When a Hostile Work Environment is not Really a “Hostile Work Environment”

In employment law, the phrase “hostile work environment” is an often misunderstood concept. We often receive calls from people claiming that their boss is a true jerk who screams at everyone and has everyone at work constantly on edge because they never...

Supreme Court Weighs in on Who is Considered a Supervisor for Purposes of Vicarious Liability under Title VII

Last week, the Supreme Court delivered an opinion in Vance v. Ball State University, answering the question of who qualifies as a “supervisor” under Title VII; their decision is going to have a big impact on dozens of active employment law cases. Title VII of the...

What does “Wrongful Termination” really mean?

Being terminated from a job is never a pleasant experience. Many people feel their dismissal was unfair or they feel they have been wronged. When tensions are high and accompanied by a wide range of emotions, it may be difficult to determine what the next step is....


Title VII and most state’s statutes prohibit retaliation against any person who opposes or complains about sexual harassment or sex discrimination, or any other violation of Title VII or the ADA, in the workplace. This prohibition against retaliation also applies to...

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